09:00 – 09:30
Welcoming Guests!!!
New York Exhibition Visit Halls: New York Foyer, 1st Floor Foyer, Beijing, Viena, MexicoCity, Seul, Monreal, Paris, Cairo
24-25 September / Bucharest / Caro Hotel
ROHO – Romanian Hospital Convention is a large international event dedicated to high quality healthcare, best medical practice examples related to hospitals and medical management.
The theme of the 2020 edition is Healthcare Together.
As the largest city hospital in Europe, with a total indoor area of 1,312,358 m² and 3,810 beds, it is committed to providing healthcare services with the latest technology and modern medical equipment for not only the people in our country, but also for the people all over the world.
09:00 – 09:30
Welcoming Guests!!!
New York Exhibition Visit Halls: New York Foyer, 1st Floor Foyer, Beijing, Viena, MexicoCity, Seul, Monreal, Paris, Cairo
09:00 – 09:30
Asian Hospitals
MexicoCity – 1st floor
Hospital’s Safety Culture Infection Prevention and Control
Paris – 2nd floor
09:30 – 11:30
Hospital’s Control
Cairo – 1st floor
11:30 – 12:00
Exhibition Visit Halls: New York Foyer, 1st
Floor Foyer, Beijing, Viena, MexicoCity, Seul, Monreal, Paris, Cairo
12:00 – 14:00
Round Table
Xgroup Meeting Concept INNOVATION FOR DEVELOPMENT. Health Policies
MexicoCity, Seoul – 2nd floor
14:00 – 15:00
17:00 – 18:00
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Leader of the division of products and solutions dedicated to healthcare within Philips Romania
Speaker and Master Partner
Serban coordinates the company’s relationship with the representatives of the medical system, public and private, in order to contribute to the development of the Romanian healthcare system, with solutions and services for both hospitals and the patient’s home.
Partner ROHO
”Bristol-Myers Squibb joins the Romanian Hospitals Convention 2019 as the Main Partner of the oncology session. We innovate for patients and come to their support by developing new solutions.”
Educational Partner ROHO
”University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science and Technology ”George Emil Palade” of Târgu Mureș supports this large international event dedicated to the quality of the medical act.”
Associate Professor in the Department of International Economic Relations of the Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest
Speaker and Guest
Clara graduated with a doctorate from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and has been involved in numerous international research projects in the fields of behavioral sciences, good governance and the informal economy. She has been a consultant for international organizations such as the World Bank, the European Commission, Eurofound or the Committee of the Regions. Hers most recent publications have appeared in Oxford University Press, Palgrave, Routledge, Springer, Peter Lang or Rowman & Littlefield, as well as in journals such as the European Political Science Review, CESifo Economic Studies, Acta Politica or Research & Politics. In the public space, she communicates on online platforms such as Forbes, EUROPP, Global Observatory, Emerging Europe or Huffington Post. She is also Rethink.CEE Fellow 2020 of The German Marshall Fund.
Rector of UMF Iasi
Educational Partner ROHO
”Medicine is an extremely dynamic field, where research brings new elements every day that a medical leader must assimilate in order to maintain this status.”
Professional Partner ROHO
“Kapamed provides the most efficient and reliable RFID solutions for logistics optimization, adaptable to the needs of each hospital, and the Romanian Hospitals Convention is the perfect place to share our experience.”
President OAMGMAMR
Institutional Partner OAMGMAMR
”Participation as Institutional Partners at ROHO 2019 honors us and gives us the opportunity to contribute to the development and consolidation of the medical community in Romania and to a unitary understanding of the diversity of the roles of each of the professions involved.”
Partner ROHO
”Active participation in ROHO events helps us to identify, together with hospital specialists, solutions for increasing the quality of Romanian medical services. ”
Philips Health Systems Sales Leader CEE
Master Partner ROHO
“Philips’ mission is to improve people’s lives through meaningful innovations across what we call the “health continuum”. The vision of ROHO is similar to ours, and we are delighted to be the Master Partner of this event.“
Coordinator Chief Physician of Ankara City Hospital
Speaker and Guest
After completing his medical education at Faculty of Medicine in Gazi University, he completed his specialization in General Surgery at Ankara Oncology Training and Research Hospital. After working as a General Surgery Specialist for 6 years, he has been continuing his career in healthcare as a manager since 2011. He took part in the establishment of the latest technological and high capacity digital city hospitals established in the country. He is currently the Coordinator Chief Physician of Ankara City Hospital, which is the largest hospital in Europe with 3810 beds and has 9 hospital buildings.
Ankara, Turkey
As the Largest Hospital in Europe, with a total indoor area of 1,312,358 m² and 3,810 beds, it is committed to providing healthcare services with the latest technology and modern medical equipment for not only the people in our country, but also for the people all over the world. Ankara City Hospital, which aims high level satisfaction for both patients and health workers, is also a training and research hospital that carries out activities in terms of qualified training for physicians and healthcare professionals.
Head of the Medical Oncology Department at Sanador Oncology Center
Speaker and Guest
Primary care physician in medical oncology, Doctor of Medical Sciences and Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences. Dr. Dediu participated in over 30 international multicenter clinical trials, some of them succeeding in imposing innovative therapies or strategies in the field of oncological pathology. The international recognition of the clinical experience in oncology recommended him to be included in the editorial board of some of the most renowned international medical journals.
Medic Invitat ROHO
“A fost impresionant interesul pentru Convenția Română a Spitalelor. Un mare număr de participanți au venit la București din întreaga țară. Temele dezbatute sunt importante pentru oricine este implicat în activitatea de management medical.”
FORO Guest
FORO Guest
The policy of the Best Western Stil hotel has a very important component of customer service. We care about our guests and are very attentive to the feedback they send us through various forms (directly at the hotel reception, in direct meetings with our staff, through the hotel feedback forms, through the pages of TripAdvisor, Booking, Facebook etc.). Feedback from our guests helps us to maintain the level of services and facilities we offer to a certain standard and to make improvements. In the last 2 years we have made significant investments in this regard.
FORO Guest
The quality of the services must be continuously improved, and this is done through regular trainings and last-minute information shared with the relevant departments. Maintenance of hotel spaces is also a priority, as good hotel services cannot compensate for unattended space and vice versa. A mix between the two components is ideal and leads to the success of the customer relationship. A hotel’s reputation is its business card. In the online environment, the grades given by the guests are the mirror of the activity of the hotel, and they can be improved by good management and communication with the client.
Guest Farmer
Manager Invitat ROHO
”Vă mulțumesc pentru faptul că și în acest an m-ați onorat cu invitația de a participa la acest eveniment. Din prezentările Speakerilor din sănătate, de la noi și din străinătate, am observat că preocuparea deosebită pentru asigurarea calității actului medical și siguranța pacienților câștigă tot mai mult teren în managementul spitalelor publice și private. Cred că, în activitatea zilnică din unitățile sanitare, protocoalele terapeutice și procedurile de lucru implementate, definesc bune practici de eliminare a riscurilor clinice, combaterea infecțiilor asociate asistenței medicale și nu în ultimul rând, o abordare corectă și eficientă a diagnosticării și a tratamentului pacienților.”
Medic Invitat ROHO
”Vă mulțumesc pentru invitatia la ROHO 2017 și mă bucur că am avut prilejul să particip și să ascult profesioniști din managementul medical, atât din România, cât și din străinătate. Consider că un asemenea eveniment pune România pe hartă, ca țară europeană, care oferă servicii de sănătate populației, la standarde de înaltă calitate. Este extrem de important schimbul de experiență și de viziune la nivel de management, pe care îl oferă un eveniment de acest tip, și nu în ultimul rând, posibilitatea de a cunoaște persoane-cheie din acest domeniu și de a lega relații profesionale de durată. Am apreciat în mod deosebit oportunitatea de a crește vizibilitatea sistemului medical privat în fața guvernanților, atât pe plan național, cât și internațional, prin promovarea unor organizații cum ar fi European Union of Private Hospitals (EUHP).”
Manager Invitat ROHO
“Convenția Română a Spitalelor se evidențiază în peisajul evenimentelor din România. Reunind profesioniști din domeniul medical, evenimentul devine un prilej de a împărtăși experiență, dar și o ocazie de a interacționa cu oameni cu preocupări similare. Am apreciat alegerea atentă a speakerilor. Cunoștințele acestora sunt de un real folos în munca zilnică și pentru rezolvarea unora dintre problemele cu care ne confruntăm. Calific ediția din 2016 a Convenției Române a Spitalelor drept un eveniment constructiv și de calitate.”
Medic Invitat ROHO
“Mulțumesc organizatorilor pentru conceptul și formatul evenimentului Convenția Română a Spitalelor ROHO 2017. A fost o onoare și în același timp o experiență remarcabilă să onorez invitația primită. Conferința a oferit un cadru de întâlnire ideal pentru membrii echipelor de management din spitalele românești, prin asigurarea unui cadru propice de schimbare a informațiilor, de împărtășire a problemelor întâlnite în cadrul procesului de management spitalicesc și mai important, a soluțiilor găsite. Participarea specialiștilor și a profesioniștilor din sănătate din alte țări europene în cadrul ROHO, mai ales a celor din zonele învecinate cu România, a asigurat o diseminare largă a unor proiecte și soluții specifice implementate de aceștia, care pot constitui un model și pentru țara noastră.”
The RALF event, which succeeded in uniting large Romanian farmers, was a real success. There were very clear views and at the same time the guests had a remarkable presence. The whole event had a gala outfit.
Timisoara, Romania
Openville este cel mai mare proiect de tip mixt din vestul României, aflat în plină dezvoltare în centrul Timişoarei, în proximitatea Iulius Mall. Acesta va fi principalul pol de business, retail şi entertainment din regiune şi va fi inaugurat în primăvara anului 2019, odată cu finalizarea primei etape. Openville va reprezenta o destinaţie cosmopolită de lifestyle, care va include: şapte clădiri de birouri, 450 de magazine, un parc de peste 55.000 mp, restaurante şi cafenele tematice, un nou concept de cinema, carusel pentru copii şi săli de evenimente. Valoarea investiţiei este de peste 220 de milioane de euro.