RALF Romanian Agriculture Leadership Forum

20th November / Bucharest / JW Marriott Grand Hotel / LIVE


RALF is the first event in Romania dedicated to large farmers and agricultural leaders, which annually presents in Bucharest good practices, business models, successful examples and case studies in Romanian and international agriculture. The theme of the 5th edition of RALF – Romanian Agriculture Leadership Forum is “Farmers on the Front Line”.

The 2020 edition includes a series of 6 events: 5 regional groups, online events organized between July and November, and the main RALF event, which will be organized in physical / mixed format, on November 20, at JW Marriott Grand Hotel in Bucharest.

Our Speakers & Partners

Tim Parton


Adrian Oros

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

Dimitrie Muscă


Dan Corbuț

Farmer, Bihor County, +3500 HA

Maria Cîrjă

Marketing Manager, Corteva Agriscience Romania and Republic of Moldova/ MASTER PARTNER

George Scarlat


Martin Mueller


Ovidiu Bucătaru

CFO Grup Șerban Holding, +12000 ha, ROMANIA

Jean Ionescu

Country Leader – Corteva Agriscience™ FOR RomAnia AND Moldova

Răzvan Teodorescu


Radu Mot

Farmer, AGRO SOLARIS, ARAD county, +1000 HA

Cosmin Iancu

Farmer, PICMAR, ILFOV county, +1100 HA

Ramona Ivan

Director of the Relations with National and International Institutions Department, CEC Bank

Alexandru Mutulescu

Farmer, RAMICOM AGRICOL, Timiș County, +2000HA

Nicolaie Apopi


Vasile Iosif

General Manager of Fmc Agro Romania and Republica Moldova

Cătălin Viziru

Marketing Manager, FMC Agro Operational, Romania and Republica Moldova/ PARTNER

Horațiu Oliviu Buzgău

Farmer, Satu Mare county, +3000 HA

Valentin Mărginean

administrator Klaus Agrar, Mureș county, +1100 HA

Ovidiu Onișor

Executive Director, Ada Prod Com, Cluj County, 1000 ha

Andrei Cocoloș


Ionuț Păcuraru


Ioan Gociman


Daniela Giurcă

Agricultural Policy Expert

Daniel Buda


Mihail Dumitru


Cristina Cionga

European Affairs Director, Romanian Corn Producers Association

Costin Telehuz

PRESIDENT OF ACCPT Ialomița & the secretary of the Board of Directors of APPR

Prof. Eng. Valeriu Tabără

President of The Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences “Gheorghe Ionescu-Şişeşti”

Nicu Vasile

LAPAR President

Tudor Calotescu


JOuRNALIST, Sens & Contrasens cu Andreea și Tudor

Nicoleta Dragomir


Senior editor Ferma Media Grup

Andreea Stroe


Journalist, Sens & Contrasens cu Andreea și Tudor


Vasile Vîntu

Rector of “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi

Mihai Afiliu

Manager, AFILIU TRANS SRL, Buzău, +6000 ha

Mihail Dumitru

Deputy Director General, European Commission, DGA

Nicoleta Dragomir

Editor in Chief, FERMA Magazine

Jean Ionescu

Country Leader Romania & Moldova, Corteva

Daniel Buda

AGRI Committee’s 2nd Vice Chair

Dimitrie Muscă

General Manager, Combinatul Agroindustrial Curtici, Arad, +7500 ha

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Our Partners

Master Partner





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Related Agriculture Projects


Maximilian Hardegg

Administrator of the Gut Hardegg Farm

Speaker and Guest Farmer

Maximilian Hardegg studied Agricultural Sciences in Weihenstephan-Freising, Germany. He is running his family farm since the mid ´ 90ies. Gut Hardegg operates on a surface of 2.200ha plus additional 400ha in the Czech Republic. The farm is well diversified in crops but also runs a pig breeding center with 1.000 sows and a Wine cellar with 35ha of vineyards. The claim of Gut Hardegg is to increase biodiversity. Maximilian Hardegg has implemented a set of measures to ensure the increase of songbirds and wildlife. With very promising and surprising results.


István Molnár

CEO Agrár-Béta, +2200 ha, Hungary

Speaker and Guest

Beside its 2200 ha cultivated land, producing mainly maize and cereals Agrar-Beta runs a Bioenergy Farm including an integrated Bioethanol plant and a biogas power plant, the first of its kind in Europe. The farm self -sustain from electric power which supplied by biogas generator and a two solar power plants. The waste heat is utilized in orchid gardening. The high quality food grade bioethanol is being used for production of a self-developed hand sanitizer brand, during – and after the epidemic.



Ovidiu Bucătaru

CFO Grup Șerban Holding, +12000 ha

Speaker and Guest

The structure of the Șerban Holding Group is integrated and has the following fields of activity: agriculture, grain trade, oil and legume plants, poultry farming, bakery, pastry-confectionery, own chain of stores – Șerban Groceries, distribution and transport.



Maria Cîrjă

Marketing Manager, Corteva Agriscience Romania and Republic of Moldova

Speaker and Master Partner

She started her career as a biology professor in Malini, Suceava County. In August 2017, following the merger of Doe Agrosciences and DuPont, she is named Marketing Director in the new company CORTEVA AGRISCIENCE – DowDupont Agriculture Division.



Cătălin Viziru

Marketing Manager, FMC Agro Operational, Romania

Speaker and Partner

Cătălin Viziru started his career in agribusiness in 2009 as a promoter for DuPont Romania SRL in South-Est part of the country and 6 years later – in 2015, he was promoted as a Key Account Manager within the same company. At present he is Marketing Director at FMC Agro Operational Romania.



Tomáš Kohút

CEO SANAGRO, Manages nine farms with over 20.000 ha

Speaker and Guest Farmer

Sanagro is one of the largest producers of agricultural products in Slovakia. The group produces 35000 tons of cereals and oilseeds a year, and another 20000 tons of forage for 4000 livestock and 1000 sheep.




Image source: hnonline.sk


Tim Parton


Speaker and Guest Farmer

With an ambition to improve soils for the next generation, Tim Parton, farm manager at Brewood Park Farm, Staffordshire, has run the 300 hectare estate on  managed regenerative agriculture policy for 15 years. The changes Tim has implemented have not only improved soil health dramatically and seen wheat yields rise by one tonne/ha, but he says the farm now saves more than £45,000 a year compared to 10 years ago.

Dimitrie Muscă

General Manager, Combinatul Agroindustrial Curtici, Arad, +7500 ha

Guest Farmer

I am working in western Romania, where we are exploiting a surface of 7600 hectares in two industrial complexes, i.e. the one from Curtici and the one from Olari. We have integrated everything, from sowing crops in the field – wheat, corn, rapeseed, soybeans, to processed products from our stores, everything in closed circuit. On this segment, which is fairly long, nobody interferes with anything.

Mihai Afiliu

Manager, AFILIU TRANS SRL, Buzău, +6000 ha
Guest Farmer
I am very happy that I had the honor to attend RALF – Romanian Agriculture Leadership Forum, which brought together over 300 large Romanian farmers from 38 counties, specialists, representatives of professional associations and companies profile, as well as journalists from the agricultural press. RALF becomes the annual meeting of the large Romanian farmers, a platform for communicating the recent achievements of Romanian agriculture, presented in an international context, along with good practices from the invited countries. At the same time, it is a special event, because it addresses a segment of the economy, which is in continuous expansion and development, with investments and refurbishments, with results and efficiency, which are able to cope with West European competition. The large Romanian farmers are alongside foreign guests to exchange ideas, to expose their agricultural experiences and to conclude new partnerships. I think the event is useful for all Romanian farmers, thanks to the exchange of experience with counterparts from other EU regions.

Daniel Buda

AGRI Committee’s 2nd Vice Chair


RALF was also an exceptional event this year. I congratulate the organizers on the fact that this year, at the same table, farmers, academics and researchers, but also the political decision-makers were put in the same table. The creation of this debate space is absolutely necessary to identify problems, solutions but also mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of the agricultural sector. Combating climate change, the growing need for quality food and affordable prices, will surely cause farmers to invest in state-of-the-art technology and adapt to the new economic, social and environmental realities. At the same time, policy makers need to adapt national and European law so that the sustainability of the agricultural sector is ensured.

Jean Ionescu

Country Leader Romania & Moldova, Corteva

Master Partner

Dear farmers, we are honored to invite you – in our capacity of Master Partner – to RALF agricultural forum, a vivid event, open to all current questions and debates. At Corteva we strongly believe that science is universal, but the solutions are local. Therefore, together with our partners, we will make all efforts to bring in front of you people involved in agriculture here or elsewhere in the world, able to share from their exemplary experiences. It is a time when we must draw the line and analyse the outcomes, but equally a moment to strive to identify the path forward. RALF is the framework to facilitate, in the truest sense of the word, the exchange of ideas, giving us the chance to seek together answers and workable solutions to the big questions of the mankind, be those climate change, food security, access to innovation, structural changes in the demand for agricultural products, funding, and so on. Therefore, dear friends, please join us in the dialogue open by RALF.

Nicoleta Dragomir

Editor in Chief, FERMA Magazine
Main Media Partner

We are contemporaries of a constantly changing agriculture. On the one hand, subject to the climatic changes to which the research seeks the best methods of compensating the effects. On the other hand, innovation and smart technologies are a real challenge for those who have already brought agriculture to a whole new level. As moderator of two RALF editions I had the opportunity to meet large farmers from all over the world. Whether they are family farms, associations or shareholders, farmers of the year and, especially, young farmers, all, Romanians and foreigners alike, the “Forum of the Great Farmers” offered them a unique experience exchange, staged by the organizer BORO Communication. A single event day, but with a dense schedule, with stories of life and agriculture, with common challenges and different approaches. In a word: RALF. I am honored to also moderate the discussions of the fourth edition of the “Forum of the Great Farmers”, an event with many news dedicated to large farms that use modern technologies with maximum efficiency.

Mihail Dumitru

Deputy Director General, European Commission, DGA


I was pleased to participate in the 2019 edition of RALF. I was impressed by the top participation of the big farmers, the Romanian and European government administration, the business environment, the academic environment and the mass media. The leaders of the Romanian and international agobusiness discussed solutions for a sustainable agricultural sector to face the major challenges that are facing today and in the future. New and innovative technology providers, academia and government decision makers have presented to farmers many solutions they can make available to them. Solutions exist.

Vasile Vîntu

Rector of “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi
Educational Partner
I participated with joy and interest in the 4th edition of the International Forum of Great Farmers, convinced that it represents a top event, a perfect frame for constructive and innovative debates of experts, farmers, specialists and the educational environment. I appreciate that the event has achieved its purpose, benefiting from a very good organization, a selected participation and the approach of a topical topic for the agriculture of Romania.

Jens Jakob Gustmann

Philips Health Systems Sales Leader CEE

Master Partner ROHO


“Philips’ mission is to improve people’s lives through meaningful innovations across what we call the “health continuum”. The vision of ROHO is similar to ours, and we are delighted to be the Master Partner of this event.

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Ene Gîrban

Manager, G, AGRO-IND COM, Buzău, +2000 ha
Guest Farmer

The RALF event, which succeeded in uniting large Romanian farmers, was a real success. There were very clear views and at the same time the guests had a remarkable presence. The whole event had a gala outfit.

Vlad Bontaș

Director, AGROCOV, Galați, +5500 ha
Fermier Invitat
Vreau în primul rând să vă mulțumesc pentru invitația acordată și să vă felicit pentru organizarea Forumului, una foarte bine structurată, atât în baza invitaților, cât și a subiectelor abordate. A fost o zi plină de acumulare de informații, sperăm noi folositoare, iar când ne-au permis pauzele am profitat pe partea de networking cunoscând alți colegi din țară și povestind unii altora cu ce ne lovim în fermele noastre și ce putem îmbunătăți.

Dr. Cristian Radu Jecan

Director Medical, Spitalul „Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu”, București

Medic Invitat ROHO

“Mulțumesc organizatorilor pentru conceptul și formatul evenimentului Convenția Română a Spitalelor ROHO 2017. A fost o onoare și în același timp o experiență remarcabilă să onorez invitația primită. Conferința a oferit un cadru de întâlnire ideal pentru membrii echipelor de management din spitalele românești, prin asigurarea unui cadru propice de schimbare a informațiilor, de împărtășire a problemelor întâlnite în cadrul procesului de management spitalicesc și mai important, a soluțiilor găsite. Participarea specialiștilor și a profesioniștilor din sănătate din alte țări europene în cadrul ROHO, mai ales a celor din zonele învecinate cu România, a asigurat o diseminare largă a unor proiecte și soluții specifice implementate de aceștia, care pot constitui un model și pentru țara noastră.”

Dr. Elisabeta Raț

Manager, Spitalul Municipal Carei, Satu Mare

Manager Invitat ROHO

”Vă mulțumesc pentru faptul că și în acest an m-ați onorat cu invitația de a participa la acest eveniment. Din prezentările Speakerilor din sănătate, de la noi și din străinătate, am observat că preocuparea deosebită pentru asigurarea calității actului medical și siguranța pacienților câștigă tot mai mult teren în managementul spitalelor publice și private. Cred că, în activitatea zilnică din unitățile sanitare, protocoalele terapeutice și procedurile de lucru implementate, definesc bune practici de eliminare a riscurilor clinice, combaterea infecțiilor asociate asistenței medicale și nu în ultimul rând, o abordare corectă și eficientă a diagnosticării și a tratamentului pacienților.”

Petru Șușca

Manager, Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență, Cluj

Manager Invitat ROHO

“Convenția Română a Spitalelor se evidențiază în peisajul evenimentelor din România. Reunind profesioniști din domeniul medical, evenimentul devine un prilej de a împărtăși experiență, dar și o ocazie de a interacționa cu oameni cu preocupări similare. Am apreciat alegerea atentă a speakerilor. Cunoștințele acestora sunt de un real folos în munca zilnică și pentru rezolvarea unora dintre problemele cu care ne confruntăm. Calific ediția din 2016 a Convenției Române a Spitalelor drept un eveniment constructiv și de calitate.”

Dr. Alina-Bondoc

Director Medical, Medlife Titan, București

Medic Invitat ROHO

”Vă mulțumesc pentru invitatia la ROHO 2017 și mă bucur că am avut prilejul să particip și să ascult profesioniști din managementul medical, atât din România, cât și din străinătate. Consider că un asemenea eveniment pune România pe hartă, ca țară europeană, care oferă servicii de sănătate populației, la standarde de înaltă calitate. Este extrem de important schimbul de experiență și de viziune la nivel de management, pe care îl oferă un eveniment de acest tip, și nu în ultimul rând, posibilitatea de a cunoaște persoane-cheie din acest domeniu și de a lega relații profesionale de durată. Am apreciat în mod deosebit oportunitatea de a crește vizibilitatea sistemului medical privat în fața guvernanților, atât pe plan național, cât și internațional, prin promovarea unor organizații cum ar fi European Union of Private Hospitals (EUHP).”

Dr. Mircea Cinteză

Șeful Secției Cardiologie 1, Spitalul Universitar de Urgență București

Medic Invitat ROHO

“A fost impresionant interesul pentru Convenția Română a Spitalelor. Un mare număr de participanți au venit la București din întreaga țară. Temele dezbatute sunt importante pentru oricine este implicat în activitatea de management medical.”

Vlad Bontaș

Manager, AGROVOC, Galați, +5500 ha

Guest Farmer

First and foremost, I want to thank you for your invitation and to congratulate you on the organization of the Forum, which was very well structured, both in terms of the guests, as well as of the topics addressed. It was a day full of – we hope – useful information; when the breaks allowed it, we made the most of the networking part to become acquainted with other Romanian colleagues and to talk about the problems in our farms and what could be improved.

Ciprian Dogaru

Executive Manager, Hotel Ambient 4*, Brașov

FORO Guest

The quality of the services must be continuously improved, and this is done through regular trainings and last-minute information shared with the relevant departments. Maintenance of hotel spaces is also a priority, as good hotel services cannot compensate for unattended space and vice versa. A mix between the two components is ideal and leads to the success of the customer relationship. A hotel’s reputation is its business card. In the online environment, the grades given by the guests are the mirror of the activity of the hotel, and they can be improved by good management and communication with the client.

Bogdan Arsene

General Manager, Best Western Stil Hotel 4*, Bucharest

FORO Guest

The policy of the Best Western Stil hotel has a very important component of customer service. We care about our guests and are very attentive to the feedback they send us through various forms (directly at the hotel reception, in direct meetings with our staff, through the hotel feedback forms, through the pages of TripAdvisor, Booking, Facebook etc.). Feedback from our guests helps us to maintain the level of services and facilities we offer to a certain standard and to make improvements. In the last 2 years we have made significant investments in this regard.

Chef Ștefan Popescu

Executive Chef, Pullman Bucharest World Trade Center

FORO Guest 

A restaurant is itself a complex investment. One of the current problems in this field is the quality of services, which is why it is imperative to invest in this direction. A restaurant can remain “top” only by maintaining quality – that is why this concept must be understood in detail. Competition is growing in all sectors and the best way to distinguish yourself from others is the reputation you build. The decision to use reputation as a career building tool differs from one sector to another and depends on the professional objective. However, being a professional with visibility becomes an increasingly necessary means of career development.

Proiect: Openville

Timisoara, Romania


Openville este cel mai mare proiect de tip mixt din vestul României, aflat în plină dezvoltare în centrul Timişoarei, în proximitatea Iulius Mall. Acesta va fi principalul pol de business, retail şi entertainment din regiune şi va fi inaugurat în primăvara anului 2019, odată cu finalizarea primei etape. Openville va reprezenta o destinaţie cosmopolită de lifestyle, care va include: şapte clădiri de birouri, 450 de magazine, un parc de peste 55.000 mp, restaurante şi cafenele tematice, un nou concept de cinema, carusel pentru copii şi săli de evenimente. Valoarea investiţiei este de peste 220 de milioane de euro.

Presented by

Raluca Munteanu
Business Development Manager IULIUS
Speaker DEVO 2018
Raluca Munteanu
Business Development Manager IULIUS
Speaker DEVO 2018

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