Confidentiality Policy

General Information

The confidentiality of your personal data represents a priority for BORO PR & COMMUNICATION SRL (“BORO PR & COMMUNICATION”), headquartered in Solomon’s Business Center, Strada Sfantul Lazar, nr. 37, Iasi, Romania, as a data operator. Consequently, BORO PR & COMMUNICATION permanently assures the processing of personal data in strict conformity with the principles related to data protection.

The present Policy related to personal data protection (“Policy”) refers to the processing of personal data of the users of (“Website“), of the participants to the events organized by BORO PR & COMMUNICATION, of the business partners of BORO PR & COMMUNICATION as well as of other persons contacting or visiting BORO PR & COMMUNICATION and of their representatives, potential employees and applies to the data collected via the Website as well as to other personal data we collect via email or other offline contacts.

The Policy was compiled in accordance with the Regulations (EU) 2016/679 of the Parliament and Council of Europe related to the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data (“General Regulations regarding the processing of personal data”) and comprises information regarding the requirements applicable to personal data processing.


Purposes and grounds of processing

BORO PR & COMMUNICATION collects and processes your personal data in the following cases:

If you are an user of the Website

We use the personal data collected from you when you access the Website in order to monitor the traffic and to improve the contents of the Website. The legal basis of this activity of data processing is in our legitimate interest to assure the adequate operation of the Company’s Website as well as the Website’s improvement.

The categories of personal data that are processed in this context refer to the time and date of accessing the Website and the IP address which accessed the Website.

If you are a subscribed to the BORO PR & COMMUNICATION newsletter

We may use your contact data for sending in electronic format informational materials regarding the future events of BORO PR & COMMUNICATION which are of interest for you but only if you subscribed to the newsletter and, consequently, you gave your express consent about such processing. You may withdraw your consent in any moment by expressing the option not to receive informational notes in the future by clicking on the link “Unsubscribe” when receiving the respective email or by writing to the address

The data categories processed in this context are generally your name and surname, email address, phone number that you communicate directly, e.g. when filling in the subscribe section available on the Website.

If you are participant to the events organized by BORO PR & COMMUNICATION

We use your relevant personal data in order to prepare and allow the participation to the events of BORO PR & COMMUNICATION. For example, it may be necessary to use your relevant personal data for making some events regarding the fields of your interest. Also, the legal basis on which the personal data processing is based on represents the execution of our agreement (if you registered to the event) or by our legitimate interest in assuring your participation to the event (if your participation to the course is assured by another person, e.g. your employer).

Communication with you

We use your contact data in order to communicate with you any aspects relevant for the event. Also, the legal basis of the personal data processing represents the execution of your agreement.

The data categories processed in this context are generally your name and surname, position, email address, phone number as well as other personal data which you may communicate to us directly.

If you are a candidate for a job at BORO PR & COMMUNICATION

We use the personal data of the CVs we receive in order to assess the qualifications of the candidates for a certain job at BORO PR & COMMUNICATOIN. The legal basis of our processing represents the conclusion and the execution of the relevant agreement.

The data categories which are processed within the relation between the Company and you refer to the name, email address, phone number, residence, personal data that are included in the CVs, date regarding education and professional training, professional qualifications as well as other personal data you may provide to us directly.

If you contact or visit BORO PR & COMMUNICATION

We use your personal data in order to assure the security of the headquarters, assets and staff of the Company. In this case, the legal basis of the personal data processing is the legitimate interest of BORO PR & COMMUNICATION to protect the Company’s headquarters, assets and staff.

The personal data categories that are processed in this context refer to the name and other personal data you may provide to us directly.

If you are a contractual partner of BORO PR & COMMUNICATION

Maintaining our contractual relationship with you. We use your relevant personal data in order to maintain our contractual relationship with you. In this case, the legal basis of the personal data processing represents the execution of our agreement.

Communication with you

We use your contact data in order to communicate with you any aspects relevant for the activity field concerned (e.g., the organization of an event). Also, the legal basis of the personal data processing represents the execution of our agreement.

The data categories processed in this context are generally your name and surname, position, email address, phone number as well as other personal data which you may communicate to us directly.

If you are a representative, a contact person, an employee or another collaborator of a contractual partner of BORO PR & COMMUNICATION

Maintaining our contractual relationship with our contractual partner

We use your relevant personal data in order to maintain our contractual relationship with our contractual partner. In this case, the legal basis of the personal data processing represents the adequate management of the contractual relationship.


Communication with you

We use your contact data in order to communicate with you any aspects relevant for the activity field concerned. Also, in this case, the legal basis of the personal data processing represents the legitimate interest to assure the adequate management of the contractual relationship. In all cases, the data will be provided either directly by you or by the contractual partner.

The data categories to be processed in this context are generally your name, position, email address, phone number as well as other personal data made available to BORO PR & COMMUNICATION, usually by your as they are necessary for the purposes above.


Providing personal data

Providing your personal data is necessary in order to be able to benefit from the services of BORO PR & COMMUNICATION. The refusal to provide personal data may have as a consequence the impossibility to benefit from the services of BORO PR & COMMUNICATION. For the activities of direct marketing, providing your data is voluntary.

If the personal data must be communicated by you directly, please provide all the personal data categories required for the purposes above.

If you provide to BORO PR & COMMUNICATION the personal data of other natural persons, please inform them before disclosing their data about the way in which BORO PR & COMMUNICATION intends to process the data as provided by this Policy regarding the protection of personal data.


Disclosure of personal data

In the context of fulfilling the processing purposes, BORO PR & COMMUNICATION may disclose such data to its contractual partners (e.g., the partners of events to which you attend), to its affiliates or to the central/local public authorities, in the following cases:

  • If such communication would be necessary for providing services which are the activity object of BORO PR & COMMUNICATION
  • For some promotional campaigns organized by BORO PR & COMMUNICATION together with the respective contractual partners or affiliates of BORO PR & COMMUNICATION;
  • To maintain, customise and improve this Website and the services provided;
  • For data analysis, testing and research, monitoring of usage and activity trends, development of safety features and authentication of users;
  • For sending promotional/advertising materials under the conditions and within the limits provided by the law;
  • When the disclosure of such personal data is provided by the law.


Personal data transfer

The personal data provided to BORO PR & COMMUNICATION will not be transferred outside Romania.


Duration of processing

The personal data are stored for their processing for the duration necessary to fulfil the processing purposes mentioned above and after that according to the requirements of our internal policies and in accordance with the legal requirements. The personal data processing ceases as soon as the processing purposes are fulfilled, the legal grounds for data processing cease to exist and the storage period of the documents, provided by the law regarding national archives in Romania and the local regulations of BORO PR & COMMUNICATION expire.


Your rights

For the processing of your personal data described in the present Policy, you have the right to request access to your personal data, to their rectification or erasure or to restriction of processing as well as the right to oppose further processing within the limits and under the conditions provided by the law as well as the right to data portability. Also, if you choose to give your consent, you have the right to withdraw the consent in any moment. Moreover, you have the right not to be subject to an automatic individual  decision as well as the right to address to law courts and the National Supervisory Authority for the Processing of Personal Data.

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For any additional questions about the way in which your personal data are processed (including the way of exercising the rights specified in this Policy), please contact:

Ene Gîrban

Manager, G, AGRO-IND COM, Buzău, +2000 ha
Guest Farmer

The RALF event, which succeeded in uniting large Romanian farmers, was a real success. There were very clear views and at the same time the guests had a remarkable presence. The whole event had a gala outfit.

Vlad Bontaș

Director, AGROCOV, Galați, +5500 ha
Fermier Invitat
Vreau în primul rând să vă mulțumesc pentru invitația acordată și să vă felicit pentru organizarea Forumului, una foarte bine structurată, atât în baza invitaților, cât și a subiectelor abordate. A fost o zi plină de acumulare de informații, sperăm noi folositoare, iar când ne-au permis pauzele am profitat pe partea de networking cunoscând alți colegi din țară și povestind unii altora cu ce ne lovim în fermele noastre și ce putem îmbunătăți.

Dr. Cristian Radu Jecan

Director Medical, Spitalul „Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu”, București

Medic Invitat ROHO

“Mulțumesc organizatorilor pentru conceptul și formatul evenimentului Convenția Română a Spitalelor ROHO 2017. A fost o onoare și în același timp o experiență remarcabilă să onorez invitația primită. Conferința a oferit un cadru de întâlnire ideal pentru membrii echipelor de management din spitalele românești, prin asigurarea unui cadru propice de schimbare a informațiilor, de împărtășire a problemelor întâlnite în cadrul procesului de management spitalicesc și mai important, a soluțiilor găsite. Participarea specialiștilor și a profesioniștilor din sănătate din alte țări europene în cadrul ROHO, mai ales a celor din zonele învecinate cu România, a asigurat o diseminare largă a unor proiecte și soluții specifice implementate de aceștia, care pot constitui un model și pentru țara noastră.”

Dr. Elisabeta Raț

Manager, Spitalul Municipal Carei, Satu Mare

Manager Invitat ROHO

”Vă mulțumesc pentru faptul că și în acest an m-ați onorat cu invitația de a participa la acest eveniment. Din prezentările Speakerilor din sănătate, de la noi și din străinătate, am observat că preocuparea deosebită pentru asigurarea calității actului medical și siguranța pacienților câștigă tot mai mult teren în managementul spitalelor publice și private. Cred că, în activitatea zilnică din unitățile sanitare, protocoalele terapeutice și procedurile de lucru implementate, definesc bune practici de eliminare a riscurilor clinice, combaterea infecțiilor asociate asistenței medicale și nu în ultimul rând, o abordare corectă și eficientă a diagnosticării și a tratamentului pacienților.”

Petru Șușca

Manager, Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență, Cluj

Manager Invitat ROHO

“Convenția Română a Spitalelor se evidențiază în peisajul evenimentelor din România. Reunind profesioniști din domeniul medical, evenimentul devine un prilej de a împărtăși experiență, dar și o ocazie de a interacționa cu oameni cu preocupări similare. Am apreciat alegerea atentă a speakerilor. Cunoștințele acestora sunt de un real folos în munca zilnică și pentru rezolvarea unora dintre problemele cu care ne confruntăm. Calific ediția din 2016 a Convenției Române a Spitalelor drept un eveniment constructiv și de calitate.”

Dr. Alina-Bondoc

Director Medical, Medlife Titan, București

Medic Invitat ROHO

”Vă mulțumesc pentru invitatia la ROHO 2017 și mă bucur că am avut prilejul să particip și să ascult profesioniști din managementul medical, atât din România, cât și din străinătate. Consider că un asemenea eveniment pune România pe hartă, ca țară europeană, care oferă servicii de sănătate populației, la standarde de înaltă calitate. Este extrem de important schimbul de experiență și de viziune la nivel de management, pe care îl oferă un eveniment de acest tip, și nu în ultimul rând, posibilitatea de a cunoaște persoane-cheie din acest domeniu și de a lega relații profesionale de durată. Am apreciat în mod deosebit oportunitatea de a crește vizibilitatea sistemului medical privat în fața guvernanților, atât pe plan național, cât și internațional, prin promovarea unor organizații cum ar fi European Union of Private Hospitals (EUHP).”

Dr. Mircea Cinteză

Șeful Secției Cardiologie 1, Spitalul Universitar de Urgență București

Medic Invitat ROHO

“A fost impresionant interesul pentru Convenția Română a Spitalelor. Un mare număr de participanți au venit la București din întreaga țară. Temele dezbatute sunt importante pentru oricine este implicat în activitatea de management medical.”

Vlad Bontaș

Manager, AGROVOC, Galați, +5500 ha

Guest Farmer

First and foremost, I want to thank you for your invitation and to congratulate you on the organization of the Forum, which was very well structured, both in terms of the guests, as well as of the topics addressed. It was a day full of – we hope – useful information; when the breaks allowed it, we made the most of the networking part to become acquainted with other Romanian colleagues and to talk about the problems in our farms and what could be improved.

Ciprian Dogaru

Executive Manager, Hotel Ambient 4*, Brașov

FORO Guest

The quality of the services must be continuously improved, and this is done through regular trainings and last-minute information shared with the relevant departments. Maintenance of hotel spaces is also a priority, as good hotel services cannot compensate for unattended space and vice versa. A mix between the two components is ideal and leads to the success of the customer relationship. A hotel’s reputation is its business card. In the online environment, the grades given by the guests are the mirror of the activity of the hotel, and they can be improved by good management and communication with the client.

Bogdan Arsene

General Manager, Best Western Stil Hotel 4*, Bucharest

FORO Guest

The policy of the Best Western Stil hotel has a very important component of customer service. We care about our guests and are very attentive to the feedback they send us through various forms (directly at the hotel reception, in direct meetings with our staff, through the hotel feedback forms, through the pages of TripAdvisor, Booking, Facebook etc.). Feedback from our guests helps us to maintain the level of services and facilities we offer to a certain standard and to make improvements. In the last 2 years we have made significant investments in this regard.

Chef Ștefan Popescu

Executive Chef, Pullman Bucharest World Trade Center

FORO Guest 

A restaurant is itself a complex investment. One of the current problems in this field is the quality of services, which is why it is imperative to invest in this direction. A restaurant can remain “top” only by maintaining quality – that is why this concept must be understood in detail. Competition is growing in all sectors and the best way to distinguish yourself from others is the reputation you build. The decision to use reputation as a career building tool differs from one sector to another and depends on the professional objective. However, being a professional with visibility becomes an increasingly necessary means of career development.

Proiect: Openville

Timisoara, Romania


Openville este cel mai mare proiect de tip mixt din vestul României, aflat în plină dezvoltare în centrul Timişoarei, în proximitatea Iulius Mall. Acesta va fi principalul pol de business, retail şi entertainment din regiune şi va fi inaugurat în primăvara anului 2019, odată cu finalizarea primei etape. Openville va reprezenta o destinaţie cosmopolită de lifestyle, care va include: şapte clădiri de birouri, 450 de magazine, un parc de peste 55.000 mp, restaurante şi cafenele tematice, un nou concept de cinema, carusel pentru copii şi săli de evenimente. Valoarea investiţiei este de peste 220 de milioane de euro.

Presented by

Raluca Munteanu
Business Development Manager IULIUS
Speaker DEVO 2018
Raluca Munteanu
Business Development Manager IULIUS
Speaker DEVO 2018

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